What we can Offer You

Why we want to change the world of managed print forever.

Our Mission

Datum set out to change the way that managed print was offered and improve the practices that went on within the industry. Since 2019 we have been doing just that!

We are continuously improving our service to better predict problems and improve efficiency so we can offer a financially and environmentally sustainable option to businesses of the UK.

Whilst it is almost impossible to write all the ways we can help you here, we have attempted to cover the basics below:

Office Print Engineer

Our Standard Services



The foundation of any service is the equipment that you choose, 43% of buyers experience buyer remorse when making decisions alone. 

Our experts are friendly and approachable making it easy to reach out and get the help you need. Our analytic approach to specifying the right solutions sets you up with the foundation of a great solution. Without this foundation you will likely experience excessive cost increases or poor reliability, perhaps even worse BOTH!

When setup correctly service becomes predictable, problems become preventable, and business is more productive. The early work we do, is the foundation on which the magic is built. 

If you want to start building that foundation together, fill out the form to the side and we’ll get to work.

Datum Office Technologies Limited, is a company registered in England and Wales.

01446 501446


