The Mistake SME’s Make With Print
Do you run small desktop printers? Do you have multiple printers for different people to print from? Do you print more than 1 ream of paper in a month within your business? If the answer to any of these are “yes” then you could be making the common mistake that SME’s make with printers.
You don’t need to spend huge amounts on toner or ink each month, or spend any time going online to buy it. You don’t need to try and fix a slow printing issue, or replace the printer when it goes wrong. Instead you could reduce your costs whilst getting a complete service including automated toner deliveries and engineer call outs.

Find Your Running Costs Here!
Sounds great doesn’t it, and your probably looking for the catch right now. The truth is there isn’t one. The big mistake that SME’s make is under estimating their print volume. These desktop devices are great, perfect in fact in the right environment. But can quickly escalate your costs if you have under estimated how much you print.
So how can you reduce your costs? Firstly you need to know 2 things, print volume and your running costs. Once you know this you can work out your monthly outgoings on toner or ink. Then it’s a simple case of comparing the market, the complete market, you won’t find managed print deals online generally as they are bespoke to you. Yes, the devices cost more, they can be leased to spread that cost, but the running cost are significantly less.
“The Big Mistake SME’s Make is Under Estimating Their Print Volume”
The savings you make on the running costs can in most cases offset the cost of a lease, saving you money month on month and year on year.
But what about the automatic toner deliveries and engineer visits? Well this is where the maintenance agreement comes in. When you manage the device yourself you are responsible for its upkeep and running costs. With a managed print service you pay a fixed fee per page, for black/white and colour, to the service provider monthly or quarterly. In return we provide toner, parts and engineers to keep your device running and take this task off your to do list.

We have helped a company recently in exactly this position with a relatively low print volume. They have managed to save around £100 per month over three years and get a service they didn’t know existed.
Simply by under estimating how much you print or will print, can lead you to make the wrong choices that end up costing you time and money that can be avoided.
You can reduce your cost of printing, whilst getting a complete service, and whilst saving your own and your staff’s time.
Simply fill out the form for a free print evaluation to find out what you can save today.